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How do I get a High end Light Weight M4

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New member
I bought the Division about 3 weeks ago. First, let me say I love the game A lot. But, I can not find this gun to save my life. I have gone to my base of operation to get the blueprint, but it is not there. If, someone knows a sure way to get the amazing Light Weight M4 please please please let me know. Thanks 



Stream Machine
Blueprints are on a rotation, so use the link that @genedjr posted above to see what items are available when.  The vendors change at 8pm EST on Fridays and the link is usually updated within like an hour or so.  

I have some possibly bad news.  The LWM4 blueprint was available within like the last 6 weeks (around March 10th, so it probably won't be available again for a while.  Hamish mentioned on today's State of the Game that blueprints are completely 100% random and they have no controls over them, so you may be waiting for a while or need to pray to RNGesus for one to drop. 

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