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Xbox Live Looking for lvl 30s for challenging and DZ lvl 50 grind

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New member
im a level 30 in DZ and normal.. Looking for others like me who are tired of wasting time searching for groups to do DZ and challenging missions and getting stuck carrying people. Tell me some stats, your play style, and your gamertag and ill send you an invite whenever im on. I play nights and weekends. must have a mic.



Community Agent

I'd like to have a set group for challenging/daily missions too. I am currently level 30 - 31DZ. I'm not sure of my stats, because I'm not currently in front of my Xbox. I know my DPS is around 140k. I have the Liberator and the HighEnd M44 Sniper. I primarily focus on straight DPS. I usually play about 3-4 times a week (AZ Timezone, USA). I have a working mic.

Gamertag: MandalsTV

PS: My buddy is almost level 30 so once he gets some gear (which I will help him do) we can add another to our group for dailies/challenging.

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