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Role playing fix

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New member
Now this not an suggestion but more of a thought. One problem with The Division is that there isn't not much of a role playing aspect to it relying only on gear collecting and number crunching. But, if there were to be a possible sequel or crossover *cough*Overwatch*cough*, I think this is how it should be done.


Soldier - Proficient with light machine guns and shotguns, and have higher health and damage resistance


  • Ballistic Shield - Spawns a deployable shield that can also be set down that can absorb damage before breaking
  • War Cry - Increase player and companion damage for a limited time
Recon - Proficient with submachine guns, have faster mobility, can parkour, and has less health


  • Speed Boost - Increases mobility for a limited time
  • Decoy - Creates a holographic decoy that distracts enemies
Scout - Proficient with marksman rifles, sniper rifles, and silenced weapons, and are skilled at stealth


  • Cloak - Become invisible for a short period of time
  • Disguise - Take on the appearance of a killed enemy
Medic - Well rounded at most weapon types, have a higher success on completing speech checks, and are more focused on healing and defense buff


  • Heal - Heals yourself and companions near you
  • Healing station - Deploys a small station that heals anybody within radius
  • Smart Cover - reinforces an area of cover that adds a boost to defense
Engineer - Well rounded at most weapons, have higher intelligence, and are more skilled at hacking


  • Pulse - Emit a radar pulse that reveals and highlights all enemies within range
  • Turret - Deploys a miniature turret that covers a small field
  • Seeker Mine - Deploys a mine that seeks the closest enemy before detonating
Damage and weapon handling:

Instead of relying on numbers and value, damage is based  on the weapon in hand, what sort of armor the character is wearing and what part of the body it protects. For example, a pistol will do less damage while an assault rifle will do more damage and shotguns do greater damage depending on the range. Limb damage is also taken into consideration. Shoot an enemy at the arms and it will disarm them. Shoot them in the legs and they will start limping, and headshots are lethal (say one to three shots). Wearing armor will mitigate the taken based on the armor itself as well as offering passive effects. For instance wearing crude armor will offer less protection but a full ballistics suit will. Boots will mitigate fall damage, kneepads and leg guards offer leg protection, arm guards and gloves offer arm protection, vests offer chests protection, masks offer resistance to some hazardous toxins, and helmets offer head protection. Weapons are no longer based on value and attachments will affect how a weapon handles. Grips, underbarrels, and compensators will help with recoil and stability, sights will help with accuracy, and suppressor will reduce attracting attention.


Since The Division introduced the rogue mechanic in the Dark Zone, it was only used as a penalty and hindrance than anything else. Here, when the player makes a decision it affects the overall morality making the player lean towards being a true agent or being a rogue. Choices in-game also affects the morality system but not all choices are black and white.

Reputation towards NPCs:

Adding to the morality, a choice made in-game will affect how some characters will treat you throughout the game. With companions this will affect how they will follow your commands.

Leveling and skills:

Whenever players level up, it will a traditional leveling system with players spending points on stats and a separate set of points on skills which then will unlock passive perks.


  • Vitality - Overall health
  • Defense - How much damage the player takes
  • Strength - Overall melee damage
  • Intelligence - Knowledge of crafting materials, etc.
  • Agility - Overall movement speed

  • Marksmanship - Overall handling and accuracy of weapons
  • Stealth - How undetectable you are from enemies
  • Medicine - How much will medkits or bandages will heal you
  • Speech - How effective you are at conversations

  • Hardiness - Reduce flinching when hit
  • Sleight of Hand - Reload faster
  • Dead Silence - Make less noise when in stealth
  • Scavenger - Find crafting material from fallen enemies
  • Blast Shield - Reduce damage from explosions
  • Tactical Mask - Become more resistant to flashbang, concussion, stun, and gas grenades
  • Steady Aim - Increase hip fire accuracy
  • Fast Hands - Swap out weapons more quickly
  • Quickdraw - Aim down sights more quickly
NPC Companions:

If players want to explore alone or with a friend that's fine. But if they have no friend to join, or if it becomes too tough solo, at least have an to have NPC companions to take with. Maybe up to three companions at a time, maybe even a dog who doesn't take up a companion space. Each companion will have a unique trait or skill to them, plus players can give squad commands to them.



Stream Machine
Very interesting idea and it looks like you put a lot of thought and work into this.  I like the concept but I think it would be a completely different game from the original, so I don't think they'd be willing to go that route.  Division is really a looter-shooter instead of a RPG.  If you find someone to make this game you're thinking of, let me know cuz I want to play it. 

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