• Greetings, Agents! Welcome to the The Division Forums. It looks like you're looking forward to Tom Clancy's The Division 3, but haven't created an account yet. Why not take a minute to register for your own free account now? As a member you get free access to all of our forums and posts plus the ability to post your own messages, communicate directly with other members and much more.

Have some StickyGoodies


New member
Hi everyone.   Very rarely have I enjoyed an online game so much I have that I've been inspired to join the online community for it, but The Division did that for me.    As an 'older' gamer (40) with two kids and a full life, I've had to be more choosy with my gaming time, yet I played the whole time the alpha was out, as well as both betas.  I'm loving it.   Hope to see some of you friendly agents online on Xbox Live...and be nice; I typically stay offline due to rudeness.  The Division however seemed to have a relatively good group so far.  I hope that stays the same.

Cape Breton, NS Canada here.  Feel free to check for/drop a friend request to: StickyGoodies



Death Otter
Welcome to the forums Sticky! Yes, I feel we have a pretty awesome group of gamers playing the Division, with a few bad seeds as with anyway group of people. However like you said, relativity good so far. Anyway, thanks for registering and enjoy your stay here!



Police dude
Hey Sticky!

I would have to agree with G. I think we have one of the best community of gamers around. And Hopefully it's long lasting.

Welcome to the Forums!


