• Greetings, Agents! Welcome to the The Division Forums. It looks like you're looking forward to Tom Clancy's The Division 3, but haven't created an account yet. Why not take a minute to register for your own free account now? As a member you get free access to all of our forums and posts plus the ability to post your own messages, communicate directly with other members and much more.

PSN Returning player

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Stream Machine
I only play Fri/Sat night from 10 or 11p until like 2a EST, but I'd give DZ a go with you.  I tend to play more PvE, but I've got some builds that I'm working on that need to be tested in PvP.  I've also been splitting time between Division & Wildlands.  Hit me up with a FR and give me a shout if you see me on, PSN ID: DeadSockPuppet

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