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Dark Zone Stories


Fashion Recon
Honestly, I hate to brag, but I frickin melted this dude!  Player, if you're on here, what the hell???  I wasn't carrying any gear, I did absolutely nothing to you, and worst of all, you weren't even built for the DZ!
He's trying to be a yoloswag i-fork-yer-mum gangsta. But I guess you destroyed his dreams.



Sh*t St*rrer
He's trying to be a yoloswag i-fork-yer-mum gangsta. But I guess you destroyed his dreams.
Well, A) Thank you, urbandictionary . com lol

B) My all-purpose, middle-of-the-road build is about 173k dps/220k toughness...not exactly a tank.  I really think this dude was just bored.

#yolo #dz #Directive51 #TooOldForThisShit



Dwarven Lord Under The Mountain
Why...whywhywhy?  I just don't get it.

I'm making my usual DT farming run from DZ03 to DZ06 when I pass by another solo.  I keep running as I usually do to show I pose no threat...but keep checking over my shoulder just the same.  Sure enough, this solo dude starts following.  I keep going, ignoring him, until he starts poppin me in the back.  Normally I just run, but I'm sick of this crap.  I go out a window, stand on some scaffolding, and wait for him to come out.

Honestly, I hate to brag, but I frickin melted this dude!  Player, if you're on here, what the hell???  I wasn't carrying any gear, I did absolutely nothing to you, and worst of all, you weren't even built for the DZ!
Wondering if this guy is one of the ones who's recently posted about how unfair the DZ is? lol!



Community Member
A few weeks ago I was still searching for my first 204 AUG (since then picked up many and the blueprint!) and decided to do some lone wolf DZ. I had spent a bit of time in DZ03 picking up a little loot and decided to go into the safehouse to restock. When I went out of the saferoom I saw a gold beam shining in the middle of the street (it was clear someone had died and dropped it). I ran to get it and then cowardly ran back inside to see what it was. Have you guessed what I'd picked up???  Holy moly it was a 204 AUG! Now I know some of you will hate me for picking up another guy's stuff, but it was such a randomly awesome moment. 



Community Agent
Went online for a quick blast and no sooner than stepping a foot into the DZ 5 manhunt players were running around and several rogues too like WTF is going on the whole server is rogue hahaha

Happily for me I like this so systematically went around killing all turned out it was 3 large groups ( well 4 players per group ) who clearly didn't like each other and the in game chat was hilarious never heard some of those insults before and then I saw 3 people I felt very sorry for 2 x level 9 and 1 x lvl 6 who clearly had no bloody idea what was going on and were simply trying to run away.

They came running at me and i thought oh crap here we go but they ran past so I spun round to see if they were trying to shoot me from behind, Nope he stopped and shouted run so I looked the other way and OMG the screen was red and yellow with rogues running towards me :4_joy: :4_joy: of course I started to run and went underground those who could follow did and so began the slaughter I was really pleased with myself in dropping 5/6 or 6 before i fell. 1 guy I will give special mention too lvl 14 but he was a TANK TANK TANK i hit fairly hard but he could hit harder and was tougher and he killed me went to manhunt and run my answer to that was to respawn and chase. Explosives loaded and at him i went dropped him ( just ) and collected a silly amount of XP and keys and thought well done me :)  remember those guys who told me to run earlier they started clapping and being happy but this time it was me who said RUN as once again a wall of red and yellow players was coming towards us shooting each other and everything else in sight!

It may sound awful but it was one of the best nights playing I have had it felt like the film " The Purge " i died a few times but bumped up a lot of XP but my fav thing I started the night on 16 DZ keys ended on 32!!  Good good fun those lower level guys even got a few kills no one was hating or raging it was literally just a free for all which everyone as far as i can tell enjoyed.


Big Grumper

Community Veteran
I experienced my first Brexit-themed insults this morning! :-D

I was running with some German randoms for about half-an-hour. We'd rinsed DZ5 and were trying to extract in DZ4 when a couple of very handy rogues blitzed us. We managed to extract and get away, but not before a couple of the Germans had left. That left me and this German dude - we'll call him Adolf. In reality I have no idea what his name was because they must have been in party mode as they weren't communicating with me. 

So, anyway I head straight for DZ3 and Adolf eventually follows. I head straight for the checkpoint and Adolf joins me. I get ammo and head back out, only to run into Rogue Asshole #1, on his own. He takes me down in about 10 seconds and I end up back in the checkpoint. Even though I doubt's he's listening I say to Adolf to wait as I'm going to the bathroom and to make some coffee. 

I return from the kitchen and hear a volley of heavily-accented swearing on my mic. It turns out Adolf wasn't listening and had gone outside, only to be rinsed by Rogue Assholes #1 & #2. "Where are you, English fucker? Why didn't you help me?" I began to explain that my need for the bathroom and coffee was more important, but he cut me off with this classic line: "Fuck you English fucker, the rest of Europe hates you. Good riddance" and promptly booted me from his group. 

I LOL'd for at least two minutes. 

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Community Agent
My story today..

F*** the dark zone 

I have broken a controller today.. First time I have lost my temper with this game 

8 rogues not attacking each other but just other players mass groups of griefing. Random things happening rogue timer at 13seconds he goes around the corner and comes back so I shoot him but suddenly I have gone rogue his timer disappeared... 

Rogues hiding in metal containers so can't be shot, shot through walls

needless to say I am monumentally pissed off with it nearly took the game outside and unloaded a few BB's into it 

not proud of myself at the moment 


Cpl vinny

Community Agent
A week ago,

I went to dz6 with one of my friend for farming and we decided to matchmake for 2 other guys. As usaual I am the tac guy and my friend  running hybrid. The 2 other guys were GS 220 average and almost no experience in Dark zone whatsoever. I am like ok let's do just farming and if we see rogues just run the other way...Well as soon as we get out of the door a group of rogues trying to go manhunt was right in front us. First thing happen, everyone start talking and communicating very well (with randoms: my experience people don't talk much) and in less than 1 minute we killed everybody. At some point one random say why I was doing so much damage? I reply I am a tactician and I use booster shot and pulse bla bla.

You know some people even with high GS doesn't mean they know everything, that guy didn't know that Gear set existed lol!!! He was very low lvl DZ but I never take that into consideration because it doesn't mean this guy is bad but only that he needs experience.

Anyway right after killing those rogues, we decided to go rogue ourselves! It was one of my best night in terms of gaining xp and money and loot as well! And now we are all friend and we are running the DZ all the time together!

I will say never judge the players by their GS and level DZ, because sometimes you can get some good surprise! It is always good to give some people a chance, because remember they want the good stuff too but they need help!

But If he is a dumbass! nothing is keeping you from booting him lol!!!



Fashion Recon
Back with my team. Hit the DZ 201+. It was empty. Players were rarely around. Even Rogue was so rare.

Spent hours in it and came out with bunch of literally shitty items and a few good ones.

Best DZ is empty DZ indeed. Or at least full of players minding their own business. Still full of threat and must keep an eye out. But at least the amount of time spent, effort, and result feels just good.


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Fashion Recon
Tonight was a good night.

Ran a few matchmaking, I was put in 3 random solid people doing HVT.  When they're done, I ran a DZ matchmaking for the heck of it and eventually also ended up with good guys.

Ran through DZ04-05 231 with 3 randoms of GS 230, 240, and 250 (forgot the actual numbers). I did my best to heal and sabotage enemies to compensate my weak damage. We extracted bunch of caches and weapons from our kills. We also ran into a couple of team, but luckily no conflict. We also managed to steer clear of rogues. All of this was done without mic. When I was leaving, they were still going to continue, so I plugged in my mic and say thanks.

Totally appreciate these higher level people willing to run alongside the weaker ones. Faith in humanity restored.



Community Member
yesterday i went into the DZ for a couple of hours, me and two matchmake friends.

we was grinding DZ 1-3.

after a rogue / manhunt encounter we left the team ....so i had to extract my shit alone.

i went to DZ1 and called the extraction.

i was fighting the NPC s when i saw this 2 agents running towards me.

one goes down, shotgunned by an NPC.... i am thinking be a good guy and help him.....so i helped.

his way to say thanks was going rogue on me, he and his buddy, as soon as i was starting the extraction.

i killed one of them but the other one got me and stole some of my shit...

after respawning i went back to recover whats left so they killed me again....this time there were 3 of them.

so it was a shitty thing for me....but will i help another agent in need......?

fuck yeah.



Community Agent
I gave the DZ a quick grind with my lvl 14 character, done my normal run out go downstairs kill rourke in the subway open the key chests run up extract. I was surrounded by about 6 agents all ranging from lvl 7 to 12 hmmmmm

I extracted regardless as I had got an mp7 and a pp bison thing so sweet and sure enough I started placing my loot on and all but one started shooting at everything then the damndest thing happened the lowest ranked player stood in front of me and got melted but covered me to get my loot on. 

He died I lived and then wrecked the others the remaining ran. 

He then respawned came out and came under fire from all of these people again, I went manhunt killing them all and spent my manhunt with him as a thank you. I survived he left I continued 

a selfless act from him I thought 



New member
Hi, could someone please explain to me how gear score works, I am playing in the 0 - 160 dz and I am constantly coming across players with gear scores of 160 +. When I try to higher mine I end up in the 161 - 200 dz



Fashion Recon
Hi, could someone please explain to me how gear score works, I am playing in the 0 - 160 dz and I am constantly coming across players with gear scores of 160 +. When I try to higher mine I end up in the 161 - 200 dz
That's because you have bunch of stuff. Sell some of them or transfer them to your other character



Sh*t St*rrer
Picture it, the Dark Zone, 8:10pm...but fair warning this story is rather boring lol

There I am, running towards an extraction hoping to farm some DZ XP, when I hear a voice come over my headset.  It says "See how it says extraction arriving? And that guy running towards it? I can kill him if I want."

I stop running.  The dude is talking to some girl in the background giving the usual "ooh" and "ahh" of non-interest.  The dude says "He heard me.  I can kill him, or invite him.  Probably going to invite him."

I stop, stare at the guy, wanting to tell him to bugger off...but then just keep going as I usually do.  He sees I'm heading for the exit and says "See, you just hit him a few times so the game keeps him in combat...."

I stop again, hoping my agent Sammy is giving her best what the HELL face. The dude must check my profile cuz he says "Yeah I definitely want to invite this guy." --well, I'm honored you think so highly of me! I see the invite and all I'm thinking is...


My combat timer expires.  As he's giving this high-pitched "Join me, fam! Jooooiiin me! JOOOIIIN ME!" I exit.

Two things.  

First.  If you invite me, I'm probably not going to join you.

Second.  If you shoot me first, then invite me...go fuck yourself.

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Fashion Recon
Since DZ 201 is much safer now, I decreased my own GS to team with my mates to play there. There were many ridiculous players there like I saw last night.

- I was farming with one of my mates last night. We were extracting at DZ01 west. Then, 2 dudes came up as we fought the enemies and they were practically struggling against them. One of this player got smacked twice and twice did I revive him. His friend was just chilling and left him. I said to my teammate "Wow, what a team. His friend didn't even bother to revive him". Then the guy whom I revived added me as friend.

- Then after a while, we came across each other again at DZ03. This time, they were a trio. Again, they were struggling. So we helped them clearing the enemies out, yet after we cleared the mess, one of them was shooting at me. Nobody killed nobody, so I ran off, and he chased me - leaving his team behind. I managed to steer clear from him. Probably he was killed by enemies I provoked as I ran through. lol

- We came across a solo player many times. We invited him, but he never accepted. When we were extracting at DZ02, I told my friend someone died and dropped a crappy loot. Since it was unattended, my teammate took it and we called for extraction. Then this guy came to us when we were fighting the enemies. My friend invited him, then we extracted our items. Then, this guy rejected our invitation and eventually was hijacking it. Smokey sticky bomb blasted to his face and my teammate whacked him. LOL. He could have just run with us and get more loots afterwards... The hell was this guy thinking...?

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